Versatile Branding
The logo can easily be applied to PC, Tablet, and mobile applications without interfering with your existing brands.

The Clear Choice
Branding with the logo “For Real Money” suite of games can create a clear choice in regard to your RMG offerings versus free-to-play products and branding with the logo “For Real Prizes” for your free-to-play suite of games directly distinguishes away for RMG. These opportunities allow you to build out a suite of recognizable brands to online casino operators/developers/consumers.

Revenue Opportunities
RMG presents a material licensing opportunity going forward as adoption occurs, one which developers have the ability to create another revenue stream, Forrealmoney logo’s and domain allow for a significant branding opportunity in the RMG space. Forrealprizes logo’s and domain create the same opportunity in free-to-play.

Inquire today about the logos or view a complete list of domains below available for purchase: